A Brief Squee

10519668_10204212196615432_1080401869_nI just wanted to say that the Welcome to Night Vale live show was fantastic! It’s too late for those of us in the US, but the lucky listeners in Europe still have a chance to see it.

Great story, funny as hell, and touching on the nature of what it is to be a sapient being destined to die. So basically all the best things WTNV delivers so well. Getting to see the actors actually acting out their lines was great, and added quite a bit to it. There was good audience participation, as well a going meta, although I won’t give away any spoilers here. Seriously, one of the best things I’ve done all year.

Also, I went with the voices of Voldemort and Lily. Neither tried to kill each other, and they had a good time! If Welcome To Night Vale can bring those two together in a spirit of friendship, obviously there is nothing it can’t do.


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