(17a) Production Notes

I’ve never paid too much attention to supporting characters in the fiction I consume, unless they are extremely exaggerated to get my attention (like Chewbacca for example). As such, I didn’t really have any permanent voices for Ernie, Anthony, Terry, Dean, Zabini, etc. I just changed my voice a little and went forward. They were NPCs, I thought the names were random and didn’t expect them to reappear. Boy was I wrong. Eventually I settled on accents for several of them, which helped me remember because I could associate the name with an ethnicity (Dean = cowboy, Zabini = Russian, Seamus = Irish), and for those that I couldn’t I managed to find someone else to do the voice for me. That meant that when I was putting in other people’s voices in this episode I actually had to re-record myself doing Dean and Zabini correctly and paste that in. It seemed… silly to do so. But there it is.

15 – Conscientiousness

Charms and Transfiguration classes; Hermione challenges Harry to a competition.


David Brin’s blog post in which the podcast gets a shout-out: http://davidbrin.blogspot.com/2011/07/transparency-wars-continue-some-untold.html

Original Text

SFX: White Board