Man in the High Castle 06: Persistence Knows Defiance

Welcome back to PKD! Brian and Steven continue their reading of Man in the High Castle, chapters 11 and 12. Stuff is getting real, people are getting shot, the Nazis are coming! Come back next week for the last 3 chapters!

Man in the High Castle 05: Postmodern Kafkaesque Drive

Welcome back to PKD! Brian and Steven continue their reading of Man in the High Castle. Tensions continue to rise, super secrets are hinted at, and Julianna is planning to visit the guy who’s name is the the name of the thing (she wants to visit the Man in the High Castle). Come back next week for chapters 11 and 12!

Man in the High Castle 03: Power Keeps Distorting

Welcome back to PKD! Brian and Steven continue our reading of Man in the High Castle. We get the name of the thing in this one and everyone loses their mind when the German Chancellor dies. Come back next week for chapters 7 and 8!