Not Everything Is A Clue – Ch 185-187

Chapters 185-187 – Hallelujah, It’s Raining Men

Eneasz’s latest story – We Shall Not All Sleep But We Shall All Be Changed is in Dark Matter Magazine Issue 008

I See Dead Kids

Seeing Like a State


For next week — 188-191

188. Common Law
189. B-Side
190. To Know One’s Onions
191. Overwhelming Violence

Worth the Candle on Amazon (ebook and audio!)

Cakoluchiam’s stellar Character Sheet

Steven’s Predictions – Everything is a Clue

Worth the Candle can be read at AO3 or RoyalRoad.

You can support this podcast at our Patreon. Alexander Wales can be supported at his Patreon. We have a Discord as well.

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One Comment

  1. The Mu link doesn’t contain the meaning it has here

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