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The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch 06: Pondering Knowable Dreams

Welcome back to PKD! Brian and Steven wrap up their adventures in the mind of Philip K Dick. We’re gonna keep this going with Blindsight! Come back in a week or two for … part of Blindsight. We’ll figure this out later.

Also, did you happen across this looking for HPMoR stuff? Find it here.

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch: No New Episode

No new episode this week, y’all. We’ll be back to wrap up the show as soon as we can. In the mean time, check out some other awesome content like AskWho’s AI audiobooks and essays. Stay awesome and we look forward to chatting about the end of our PKD adventures.

Also, did you happen across this looking for HPMoR stuff? Find it here.

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch 05: Peculiar Kafkaesque Dimensions

Welcome back to PKD! Brian and Steven chew on the Chew-Z madness. The next episode will be delayed by a week, so come back in two weeks for the final three chapters, 11, 12, and 13!

Also, did you happen across this looking for HPMoR stuff? Find it here.

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch 04: Phantasmal Knowledge Discussion

Welcome back to PKD! Brian and Steven discuss Barney’s trip down depression lane. Come back next week for chapters 9 and 10!

Also, did you happen across this looking for HPMoR stuff? Find it here.

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch 03: Parallel Knowledge Dimensions

Welcome back to PKD! Brian and Steven continue their exploration the layers of madness that is the mind of Philip K. Dick. Come back next week for chapters 7 and 8!

Also, did you happen across this looking for HPMoR stuff? Find it here.