Significant Digits audio is here!

AskWho is bringing Significant Digits into audio format via AI narration. The first episode is live today, and he’ll be doing one a week until completion. He’s using an AI-clone of my (Eneasz’s) voice for the bulk of it, which caused me some small amount of existential panic you can read about here. But it’s done with my permission and I’m very happy for it to be out there. Check it out –

Oscar Catch-Up 2023 – Not Everything Bad Is A Satire – The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse

Is the 2023 winner for animated short a brilliant work of satirical performance art, or just bad, or just good? Eneasz, Matt, and Jen have different opinions, and fortunately we totally decide which one is right.

Watch it here

The Real Fanfic Is The Friends We Made Along The Way

The Real Fanfic Is The Friends We Made Along The Way, by Eneasz Brodski

Original Text at my blog

This audio version was produced by AskWho, using awesome new AI tech. It cost him money to produce this, and his Patreon is always open to people who’d like to fund more of this sort of thing. :)