IMSIYUDT 09 – “then leaves the library to check on his other person of interest”

It Makes Sense If You Understand Decision Theory – a podcast literary analysis of Planecrash/Project Lawful

Episode 9 – This Hell place keeps sounding worse

Worth The Candle
the Worth The Candle analysis podcast (by Steven and Eneasz) – Not Everything Is A Clue
Analysiscast of The Truman Show

For Next Week, reading goes to: “He doesn’t look it, but he also seems very very very alien and very hard to understand, and might do unexpected things because of that.”

The Official IMSIYUDT Weekly Reading Table of Contents, created and maintained by Cakoluchiam
To help fund the AI generated reading of Project Lawful–
Epub versions of Planecrash

You can support this podcast at our Patreon. We have a Discord as well.

IMSIYUDT 08 – “sure, kill them all”

It Makes Sense If You Understand Decision Theory – a podcast literary analysis of Planecrash/Project Lawful

Episode 8 – We Get Booped

For Next Week, reading goes to: “then leaves the library to check on his other person of interest”

The Official IMSIYUDT Weekly Reading Table of Contents, created and maintained by Cakoluchiam
To help fund the AI generated reading of Project Lawful–
Epub versions of Planecrash

You can support this podcast at our Patreon. We have a Discord as well.

IMSIYUDT 07 – “(Well, his workday, anyways.)”

It Makes Sense If You Understand Decision Theory – a podcast literary analysis of Planecrash/Project Lawful

Episode 7 – Look for Equilibria

For Next Week, reading goes to: “sure, kill them all”

The Official IMSIYUDT Weekly Reading Table of Contents, created and maintained by Cakoluchiam
Epub versions of Planecrash

You can support this podcast at our Patreon. We have a Discord as well.

IMSIYUDT 06 – “same city, same planet, or same laws of physics as Golarion.”

It Makes Sense If You Understand Decision Theory – a podcast literary analysis of Planecrash/Project Lawful

Episode 6 – Dignity!

For Next Week, reading goes to: “he’s going to try learning wizard spells with the last of his day. (Well, his workday, anyways.)”

The world’s worst dirty talk

The Official IMSIYUDT Weekly Reading Table of Contents, created and maintained by Cakoluchiam
Epub versions of Planecrash

You can support this podcast at our Patreon. We have a Discord as well.

IMSIYUDT 05 – “ten minutes to himself before he talks about anything at all”

It Makes Sense If You Understand Decision Theory – a podcast literary analysis of Planecrash/Project Lawful

Episode 5 – Content Warning: Math

For Next Week, reading goes to: “nor, indeed, the same book, same language, same library, same city, same planet, or same laws of physics as Golarion.”


The Official IMSIYUDT Weekly Reading Table of Contents, created and maintained by Cakoluchiam!
The app to render it to phones (you gotta change the Week_X number yourself)
Epub versions of Planecrash

You can support this podcast at our Patreon. We have a Discord as well.

IMSIYUDT 04 – “if you go looking for enough tiny signs like that, you will eventually find some”

It Makes Sense If You Understand Decision Theory – a podcast literary analysis of Planecrash/Project Lawful

Episode 4 – Return to the Ladder of Paranoia

For Next Week, reading goes to: “he needs to not talk about that during lunch, and would like something like ten minutes to himself before he talks about anything at all”

The Sword of Good
2 Rash 2 Unadvised podcast read-through of Terra Ignota series
Blog post referenced by Steven re immigrants and cultural expectations

The Official IMSIYUDT Weekly Reading Table of Contents, created and maintained by Cakoluchiam!
The app to render it to phones (you gotta change the Week_X number yourself)
Cakoluchiam’s Weekly Reading HTML Files in GoogleDrive
Cakoluchiam’s Table of Contents (Fan-made)
Epub versions of Planecrash

You can support this podcast at our Patreon. We have a Discord as well.