(77b) Production Notes

I somehow missed in my first read-through that Snape had removed the memory of his presence from everyone who witnessed the Harry-summoning. Which – first of all – holy crap! How did I miss that level of malfeasance? But secondly, makes you consider just what a really powerful and dedicated group of wizards could do with rituals if they really put their minds to it. Might they even be able to nearly-perfectly erase an entire city of out of the world’s memory?

I used a time-rewind-ish sound effect for the Obliviation. I know the repeated Obliviations aren’t actually a time-rewind, but it felt very appropriate given the trail-and-error nature of the attack. Perhaps I’ve played too many video games, but I was reminded of the fail-rewind-try again mechanics of Prince of Persia and Braid immediately, so I jumped right to that.

The Mr Hat-and-Cloak whisper was frustrating. The first time he appeared I didn’t quite know what I wanted to do with his voice, but I wanted something interesting. So I did several different takes of his lines, figuring I’d pick whichever sounded best, and apply some sort of filter. As I was listening to them I thought “Hm… this might sound kinda cool if I just layered one over the other…” I tried it and liked the effect and went with it. Unfortunately I didn’t really have a procedure for what I did, which made replicating it this week darned difficult. I don’t feel that this is quite as good as before, but I don’t have the time to redo it entirely. Hopefully it’s very close, and it certainly won’t have been the first voice to have changed over time.

(77a) Production Notes

Martyrdom has been given a bad name by religion. Not surprising, since religion tends to poison whatever it touches. But at it’s core it is still a noble concept – to give up one’s life for something one deems to be more important for society or humanity. To gain more fulfillment of your utility function by dying to support a goal than could be gained by continuing to live – it is tragic and awe inspiring.

Belief in an afterlife seems to cheapen the whole concept. Jesus didn’t permanently die for anyone’s sins – he was temporarily inconvenienced. As was pointed out in 39, dying isn’t so horrible when it doesn’t end your life. When someone who knows that death is permanent accepts a significant risk of death, giving their life over for good, it feels to me like it means far more. This may be self-serving bias. But I think of Tricia Glasswell as a hard-bitten cop with no delusions of an afterlife, and it makes me want to write a fanfic-fanfic of her story. Facing annihilation when there is no afterlife recourse – that is hard-boiled badassery.

(76) Production Notes

One might wonder why I take off for the holidays. Since I work a standard office job, the holidays should mean extra time for podcasting, not less. And indeed, I had originally intended to run 52 episodes a year. I don’t have any family that celebrates holidays in state (raised Jehovah’s Witness), and I was happily single. My first holiday non-episode was forced on me by a new relationship that exploded into my life back in Summer of 2011 (damn, has it really been that long?).

Now I’ve got a much larger social circle and all sorts of social obligations around the holidays that take up the extra time I gained from having work off, and then some. Not that I’m complaining, life is great. I try to always keep a one-episode buffer in case of emergencies. I’ve had to dig into it once this year due to sickness, and it’s a bit stressful running for several weeks afterwards with no margin for error while I build up another episode buffer. But it did allow me to continue putting out episodes without any unscheduled interruption. :)

So Happy Holidays everyone! There’s a brief Omake next week, and we’ll be back to regular episodes in the new year!