IMSIYUDT 00 – What Is GlowFic?

It Makes Sense If You Understand Decision Theory – a podcast literary analysis of Planecrash or Project Lawful or Mad Investor Chaos

Episode 00 – Miranda tells us what the heck GlowFic is

Steven When He Is Warned That This Can Be Addictive
if the world can’t be saved, I’ll save it anyway – warning, super dark!
we know we once were gods – the origin of Carissa

Epub versions of Planecrash

Everything IS Either Love or Thunder – Thor: Love & Thunder

“It’s done with emotion even though it’s stupid” is kinda Waititi’s whole thing and he does it perfectly. It’s why we love him.

Full Spoilers for Thor: Love and Thunder

Pitch Meeting for Thor: Love & Thunder

Pitch Meeting – Avatar retrospective

Guns N Roses – November Rain video

Eneasz’s book – What Lies Dreaming


Not Everything Is A Christian Allegory – The Truman Show

We can take the old gods and myths and make them ours. We can make them better.

Full spoilers for The Truman Show.

For Next Time – Thor: Love & Thunder

You can support this podcast at our Patreon. We have a Discord as well.

Not Everything Is A Clue – The DM Speaks Again

Chapters 1-254 – Lifting the DM Screen

We’re back again, pummeling the answers out of Alexander Wales. There will be FULL SPOILERS for EVERYTHING.

The Worth The Candle Apocrypha!

Next episode will be on The Truman Show

Worth the Candle on Amazon (ebook and audio!)

Worth the Candle can be read at AO3 or RoyalRoad

You can support this podcast at our Patreon. Alexander Wales can be supported at his Patreon. We have a Discord as well.

Not Everything Is A Clue – The DM Speaks

Chapters 1-254 – Every Single Content Warning At Max

We’re back, talking directly to Alexander Wales. There will be FULL SPOILERS for EVERYTHING.

Worth the Candle on Amazon (ebook and audio!)

Worth the Candle can be read at AO3 or RoyalRoad

You can support this podcast at our Patreon. Alexander Wales can be supported at his Patreon. We have a Discord as well.

Not Everything Is A Clue – Ch 252-254

Chapters 252-254 – Good Bye, and Thank You!

Worth the Candle on Amazon (ebook and audio!)

Worth the Candle can be read at AO3 or RoyalRoad

You can support this podcast at our Patreon. Alexander Wales can be supported at his Patreon. We have a Discord as well.