We Want MoR – Retro 3 with Eneasz Brodski


Steven and Brian are joined by the one and only Eneasz Brodski! Enjoy our first in-person recording (we were all seated several feet apart) while we discuss the book so far and Brian theorizes on the future of the story.

Original chapters, written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, can be read here and the audiobook chapters, recorded by Eneasz Brodski, can be found earlier in this podcast feed and on the website.

Next episode will be the short and sweet little spoiler episode coming out later this week. Next week we’ll be covering chapters 65 and 66!

Album art courtesy of Lorec. Thank you!

Coy manages an RSS feed that compiles the relevant audiobook chapters with the WW MoR counterparts. Just copy and paste that link into your favorite podcast app in the “add by url” option. Thanks, Coy!

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  1. Truly emotional episode – biggest tearjerker for me so far. And the way the three of you interacted was the most flowing and natural interaction so far. Maybe u guys, Steven and Eneasz, should have Brian over for Bayesian conspiracy podcast sometime.
    Can’t wait for the spoilery one.

    Regarding that thing Eneasz said about people with a very religious upbringing being more interested in the big picture, the good of the whole world versus the good of the people closest to you. Probably true in most cases, but it s more complicated than that.
    I live in an environment where even the most religious of people ar e only outwardly contributing to the entire community, neighbours, Church, charity etc. For the bragging rights mostly, but are in fact really pragmatic, materialist people(not necessarily a bad thing).
    They don t have any big dreams about saving the entire world by them or someone good and capable doing a Becomes Godus spell, which is ok, most people prefer not to think about it, and that doesn’ t make them bad, not really.
    But I guess what Im saying it wasn t a religious background that made me have an outlook to life and philosophy and to supporting good dictators such as Eneasz has.

    It s the fact that I felt different and strange and alienated from people who just didn t think about the greater picture and that I made myself the idealist, in spite of my pragmatic, normal upbringing.
    How can I know this?
    All 3 of my other siblings are 100 percent down to earth and pragmatic, so it isn t about upbringing at all

    But are they in the wrong?
    I don ‘t think so.
    Am I making a bigger impact by recycling and wanting with all my heart that there was no more slavery in the world, or are they doing the bigger and more impactful thing by helping a friend out at work, a cousin with babysitting or visiting a grandma?

    So, for the past few years I m starting to come around to the idea that it s more important to be around for those closest to you than for the whole world. For example, it probably would be very wrong to ever donate my kidney to a stranger in need, no matter how great the need, because the truth is, my family might need that kidney one day.
    U get what I mean?

    P.S. doesn’ t mean I wouldn’ t like to start donating to an anti slavery charity. That is a great idea. And I am fully behind a truly benign dictator/ god person, but it’ s not very likeli that LL ever happen and if that person was not supernatural, just very good and capable, how could we ever recognize them?

    No conclusions here, just questions

  2. I think Eneasz is on to something about those of us who have deconverted from a religion being more emotional about the general concept of death, but I have a different guess about why.

    I think it’s because we have to realize what death is at some point in our lives instead of just knowing it for as long as we can remember.

    When you’ve been thinking of death as the next great adventure for years before you realize that it’s actually the annihilation of a person that can be a real shock. You’re suddenly aware that millions of people stop existing every single day.

    When I had that experience it made me permanently emotional about the whole topic in a way that somebody who knew the truth from the beginning might not be.

    I’m interested to know weather or not that long term emotional effect is common among other deconverters.

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