We Want MoR – Chapters 90 – 93


Voting for the fan art contest closes today and the winners will be announced on the air on the 14th!

Roles, masks, and coping.

Next week we’ll be covering chapters 94, 95, and 96!

Original chapters, written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, can be read here and the audiobook chapters, recorded by Eneasz Brodski, can be found earlier in this podcast feed and on the website.

Album art courtesy of Lorec. Thank you!

Coy manages an RSS feed that compiles the relevant audiobook chapters with the WW MoR counterparts. Just copy and paste that link into your favorite podcast app in the “add by url” option. Thanks, Coy!

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  1. Correction. Sitting shivaa is done after the body is already Buried. “shiva” in Hebrew means “seven” – seven days of mourning withe friends and and family

  2. The record for recovery from cold water freezing is 3 hours without a pulse. It was a Norwegian doctor who fell into a frozen pond and was rescued by friends who saw it happen, then hand-dragged to the hospital. She had no neurological deficits after recovery. So yeah, cold definitely preserves you

  3. Benjamin Grunert

    Brian:”Yeah, it’s nice how warm MC Gonagall is.”
    Steven:”Yeah, she is the best.”
    Me:”Well duh, the other bitch got iced.”

    I’m sorry.

    Harry cooling Hermione down… Did she get fridged?

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