We Want MoR – Chapters 97 – 99

Apparently my goal of having the Sentient Grass art show up as the cover art for the episode only worked for some podcatchers. For those who missed it, here’s the winning fan art! 

The Houses of Potter and Malfoy unite! And the students of Hogwarts… also unite!

Next week we’ll be covering chapters 100, 101 and 102!

Original chapters, written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, can be read here and the audiobook chapters, recorded by Eneasz Brodski, can be found earlier in this podcast feed and on the website.

Album art courtesy of Lorec. Thank you!

Coy manages an RSS feed that compiles the relevant audiobook chapters with the WW MoR counterparts. Just copy and paste that link into your favorite podcast app in the “add by url” option. Thanks, Coy!

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One Comment

  1. I can see why Brian gets a weird vibe from the changes at Hogwarts. It’s not that they’re currently doing anything wrong, but a small group of people with cops at their beck and call is inherently dangerous.

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