Not Everything Is A Clue – Ch 41-44

Chapters 41-44: Wherein Zencastr records from the wrong microphone for Eneasz, despite saying it’s the right one, and Eneasz’s audio sounds like shit for the whole episode. :( Sorry guys.

For next week — Chapters 45-48

45. Keep Magic Weird
46. The Market of Blood and Bone
47. At Arm’s Length
48. Doe or Doe Not, There is no Try

Cakoluchiam’s stellar Character Sheet

Steven’s Predictions – Everything is a Clue

Worth the Candle can be read at AO3 or RoyalRoad.

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One Comment

  1. The sound is definitely audible. It sounds like scraping. It was there every time one of you saw it on the waveform and at other times too.

    Also confused why it sounds like you are planning on cutting stuff out, like you have a discussion about the noise, then say to the audience ‘ok you missed a bit there we cut and i’m trying to get back to what we were saying’. But there doesn’t seem to be any editing at all.

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