We Want MoR – Chapters 23 and 24


Draco flips out as his worldview is shattered!

Original chapters, written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, can be read here and the audiobook chapters, recorded by Eneasz Brodski, can be found earlier in this podcast feed and on the website.

In next week’s episode, we will be covering chapters 25 and 26.

Discord Link

Album art courtesy of Lorec from The Bayesian Conspiracy podcast’s Discord. Thank you!

Coy on the same Discord manages an RSS feed that compiles the relevant audiobook chapters with the WW MoR counterparts. Just copy and paste that link into your favorite podcast app in the “add by url” option. Thanks, Coy!

We Want MoR – Chapters 21 and 22


The Scientific exploration into magic begins!

I apologize for the delay in getting this out, and the confusion with a dead link for most of a day. I hope the Longest Episode So Far makes up for it.

Original chapters, written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, can be read here and the audiobook chapters, recorded by Eneasz Brodski, can be found earlier in this podcast feed and on the website.

In next week’s episode, we will be covering chapters 23 and 24.

The Slate Star Codex post I keep referencing but forgot the name of: I Can Tolerate Anything Except the Outgroup

One of the posts, not the one I was thinking of in the episode, Absolute Authority

Discord Link

Album art courtesy of Lorec from The Bayesian Conspiracy podcast’s Discord. Thank you!

Coy on the same Discord manages an RSS feed that compiles the relevant audiobook chapters with the WW MoR counterparts. Just copy and paste that link into your favorite podcast app in the “add by url” option. Thanks, Coy!

We Want MoR – Chapters 19 and 20


Harry learns to lose through the tried and true method of an ass whooping and sees the stars with Professor Quirrell.

Original chapters, written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, can be read here and the audiobook chapters, recorded by Eneasz Brodski, can be found earlier in this podcast feed and on the website.

In next week’s episode, we will be covering chapters 21 and 22.

Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot

Discord Link

Album art courtesy of Lorec from The Bayesian Conspiracy podcast’s Discord. Thank you!

Coy on the same Discord manages an RSS feed that compiles the relevant audiobook chapters with the WW MoR counterparts. Just copy and paste that link into your favorite podcast app in the “add by url” option. Thanks, Coy!

We Want MoR – Chapter 18


Harry and Snape have a showdown that escalates all the way to the top because Snape doesn’t know how to be a decent person/Professor and Harry doesn’t know how to lose.

Original chapters, written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, can be read here and the audiobook chapters, recorded by Eneasz Brodski, can be found earlier in this podcast feed and on the website.

In next week’s episode, we will be covering chapters 19 and 20.

Skeptoid episode on the Stanford Prison Experiment

Discord Link

Album art courtesy of Lorec from The Bayesian Conspiracy podcast’s Discord. Thank you!

Coy on the same Discord manages an RSS feed that compiles the relevant audiobook chapters with the WW MoR counterparts. Just copy and paste that link into your favorite podcast app in the “add by url” option. Thanks, Coy!

We Want MoR – Chapter 17


Harry attempts to abuse Time with a clever idea, takes a flying lesson, and has a bizarre first encounter with the headmaster.

Original chapters, written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, can be read here and the audiobook chapters, recorded by Eneasz Brodski, can be found earlier in this podcast feed and on the website.

In next week’s episode, we will be covering chapter 18.

LessWrong essay Cached Thoughts

The Relativistic Railgun (also called Peasant Railgun) from DnD

Quick overview of P vs NP if you’re curious.

Discord Link

Album art courtesy of Lorec from The Bayesian Conspiracy podcast’s Discord. Thank you!

Coy on the same Discord manages an RSS feed that compiles the relevant audiobook chapters with the WW MoR counterparts. Just copy and paste that link into your favorite podcast app in the “add by url” option. Thanks, Coy!

We Want MoR – Chapters 15 and 16


Harry attempts and fails to tap his Mysterious Dark Side for a magic boost while Hermione dominates the class effortlessly. Harry is then picked out by Professor Quirrell as the Most Dangerous Student in the Classroom.

Original chapters, written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, can be read here and the audiobook chapters, recorded by Eneasz Brodski, can be found earlier in this podcast feed and on the website.

In next week’s episode, we will be covering chapter 17.

Discord Link

Album art courtesy of Lorec from The Bayesian Conspiracy podcast’s Discord. Thank you!

Coy on the same Discord manages an RSS feed that compiles the relevant audiobook chapters with the WW MoR counterparts. Just copy and paste that link into your favorite podcast app in the “add by url” option. Thanks, Coy!

Sanderson’s 3 Laws of Hard Magic Systems