We Want MoR – Chapters 74 and 75


The bullies of Hogwarts learn the true meaning of Chaos!

Original chapters, written by Eliezer Yudkowsky, can be read here and the audiobook chapters, recorded by Eneasz Brodski, can be found earlier in this podcast feed and on the website.

Next week we’ll be covering chapters 76 and 77!

Album art courtesy of Lorec. Thank you!

Coy manages an RSS feed that compiles the relevant audiobook chapters with the WW MoR counterparts. Just copy and paste that link into your favorite podcast app in the “add by url” option. Thanks, Coy!

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  1. Brian is forgetting one thing when it comes to Dumbledore’s argument. A central point of it is that if Harry hadn’t intervened when the stakes were “low” a lot could have been prevented. But Harry really only intervened towards the end, after there had already been lots of coordinated attacks and hallway fights.

  2. @48:00 What you might be looking for:
    “Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.”
    (Whatever is said in Latin sounds deep.)

  3. I actually have a tattoo that says “Nihil Supernum” in reference to that passage from Gryffindor’s biography.

    I am very happy with it.

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